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Deliverance from Witchcraft

It is time for you to break out from Witchcraft Spell and Attack in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


Many Christians do not realize they are under Witchcraft attack until it’s too late and they are at the point of death. They have failed to recognize they were being targeted. The Bible teaches we should not be ignorant of the devils tactics (2 Corinthians 2:11).

A spiritual or witchcraft attack is a sudden, violent, aggressive action taken against you by the devil. The key word here is sudden.  The enemy likes the element of surprise. The enemy sowed the tares among the wheat, at night, while the servants slept (Matthew 13:25). This speaks of his ability to surprise attack us. These sudden attacks can leave us stunned and paralyzed. When the attacks are ongoing, they can be due to unbroken generational curses.

Before we pass you through deliverance process by casting out the spirit of witchcraft from your life by the Power and the Authority of Jesus Christ, read the below signs of Witchcraft attacks and manipulations: if you are going through or experiencing any of these signs, attacks and manipulations, sign up for the total deliverance from witchcraft now to complete your spiritual journey to freedom.  

  1. Confusion and Misunderstanding:

The spirit of Witchcraft is a spirit of confusion. There major assignment is to create confusion in every area of your life.

  • Regular Confusion in your marriage, your relationship, your business, Work place, etc.

There are people no matter who they marry or whosoever they are in relationship with nor where they are working and the people they are doing business with, it’s just a matter of time everything will fall apart by confusion and misunderstanding that actually has no ground.

Witchcraft makes you question yourself, question your friends, question your leaders, question your family, question your destiny and finally question God; oh God why me?

You become prayerless, hopeless, helpless and always at the mercy of people.

Their other assignment is to create confusion and misunderstanding

Between you and those who love you and Confusion Between you and your destiny helpers.

When witchcraft hits you with confusion, it get you to the place where you can’t make any sound decision for your life; you can be sure it’s not coming from God because God is not the author of confusion, but of peace (1 Cor. 14:33).

  1. Discouraged, depressed and ready to quit:

We all get discouraged from time to time, but when witchcraft attacks, you may just want to throw in the towel; send your resignation and quit your Job; give up, Divorce, end the relationship, cozy up in bed and pull the covers over your head. The devil comes to wear you out (Dan. 7:25), yet the Bible commands us not to grow weary in well-doing and promises we’ll reap a harvest if we don’t give up (Gal. 6:9). There’s the tension, but let’s be clear. The devil is trying to steal your harvest. Don’t let him.

  1. Midnight Warfare and Attacks:

Midnight attacks and Warfare is another sign of witchcraft attacks and manipulation. Sleepless night and nightmares, Sex in dream, eating in a dream, walking in a toilet or muddy water, counting coins, Murdered or Robbed in your Dreams, lost in a forest, heavily pregnant in a dream, snake bite, accident, etc

  1. Misfortunes; Long-lasting Rejection, Bad Luck, Promise and Fail, Disappointment…..

When you’re under a witchcraft attack you start to experience what the world calls “bad luck.” Unexpected things begin to happen to you. You’re constantly being disappointed, going through setbacks and tragedy. Your life becomes a miserable experience. Relationships all of the sudden break. Business deals all of the sudden drop. Your endeavors feel like they have been sabotaged. You feel defeated. When witchcraft is at work it releases a “chain effect” or “chain reaction” of hardships. One bad thing after another suddenly happens to you.

  1. Depression, Quarreling and Contention:

When witchcraft is at work you start to feel discouraged. You start to feel hopeless. You start to feel desperate. You feel emotionally, mentally and spiritually drained. You start to lose interest in doing the work of ministry. You start to fall into stagnation. You start to bury your talents and gifts. You start to slow down and even become isolated. You start do doubt your calling. Witchcraft left unchallenged long enough can make you feel overwhelmed in life. Where you can’t cope with the challenges ahead of you and see no meaning for living.

When witchcraft is at work, you can become angry and frustrated over little things. The little things become the big things and result big fights. You may even begin to fight over the things of God. The devil can turn a church service into point of contention or the way somebody prayed.

You may find yourself fight after an anointed church service or your spouse. You feel irritated, uncomfortable, annoyed. You may even start to fight with your spouse in your marriage. You start picking fights for no reason. When witchcraft is at work it releases a spirit of contention.

  1. Chronic Sickness, aches and pains, Constant Fatigue… Witchcraft can also bring sickness, aches and pains. For example, you may feel like you are catching a cold or flu. You may experience migraine headaches. Sometimes the headaches can last for days. You may feel a dull constant pain. Like a tight band of pressure is wrapped around your head. You may suffer from pain or stiffness in the neck and in the shoulders. Others may feel heaviness on their shoulders. Some may experience a tight chest. Others may suffer from sudden dizzy spells. Sudden sharp pains in the head or the body. Buzzing noises in the ears. Your eyes might feel irritated or feel a burning sensation. Some can even experience out breaks on the skin, allergies or rashes.

Witchcraft attacks can make you feel tired all the time. This tiredness is supernatural. In the natural you have no reason to be tired, especially if you’re eating a balanced diet, exercising and getting sleep. Those under witchcraft may feel so tired they have to fight to stay awake.

You take your coffee and energy drinks and still feel drained. You take your vitamins, eat healthy and sleep your 8 hours and you still feel like you could sleep for days. There is no medical reason for the tiredness. Some people fall asleep during their prayer time at church and at home. You feel drowsy or fall asleep reading your bible. You sense a great heaviness over your body.

These symptoms can be attributed to a witchcraft attack. This can even spill over in the spiritual realm where you feel spiritually dull, apathetic, slow and lethargic. Where it’s difficult for you to feel excited over God’s presence, prayer, or his word.

  1. Unnatural Fear, Nightmares, Sexually Seduced: When you under a witchcraft attack you may start to have sudden abnormal fears; irrational fears. You begin to fear things you were never afraid of. For example, suddenly you’re afraid of leaving your house because your afraid something “bad” might happen to you. You might feel afraid that you’re being watched. The air around you feels strange; You fear you’re being targeted. Some begin to have an unexplained fear of the dark. This can be witchcraft at work.

When you have been targeted by witchcraft your dreams can become tormenting. You may have dreams where you find yourself eating food offered to you or weird dreams of having sex with other people you don’t know. These are signs witchcraft is being worked upon you in your dreams. Some times you may experience being attacked in your dreams by people, dogs, snakes, wolves or spiders. You may even wake up with marks on your body. When nighttime falls you start feel restless. Many thoughts begin to run through your mind not allowing you to sleep. Your mind is over active. You suffer from insomnia or sleep but can’t sleep profoundly. This can be an attack of witchcraft.

When your being attacked by witchcraft you can find yourself having sudden battles of sexual nature. You may feel seduced, enticed or lead astray into sexual immorality. This is beyond the common temptation to sin. Some people may experience sudden and intense thoughts of sexual impurity. You may feel tempted to commit adultery, fornicate, watch pornography or masturbate. Some people may even backslide into sexual sins of the past. Big changes can happen to your sexual behavior when you are under the spiritual attack of witchcraft.

  1. Accident prone. When you are under attack the devil tries to harm you any way he can. One of the ways he tries to harm you is through mishaps or accidents. When you are under attack from the enemy you can become clumsy. You start bumping into things. Things bump into you. You start tripping over things. Things fall on you. Things will break around you. You may find yourself in accidents. Slip and falls. Car crashes or near car crashes. The freakiest things happen to you. Sprained ankles. Bad things just seem to happen to you.
  2. Financial Hardship, Setbacks, Stagnation and No Success in anything you do:

This does not matter what you do or how hard you try to get it back. Your goals, from any aspect of your life, seem impossible to achieve and your entire environment is going through a really bad streak. You are unable to save money.

As you get money, it disappears, maybe it lasts for a few weeks (hopefully), but then you are back to nothing. This is one of the most dangerous sides to witchcraft: it can create problems at work and bring large economic debts to your life. Sometimes, you have your own business or shop but people are not buying from you nor doing business with you; No customers no buyers no money.


These are the few mentioned signs- Witchcraft can manifest itself in several ways. 

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