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Spiritual Marriage


Spiritual Marriage:

Spiritual husband and wife is a very deep spiritual issues that are kept away from millions of Christian today. They are specially commissioned by Satan to molest trouble and scatter good and godly homes, relationships and life in general.

I pray that the almighty God will open your understanding on this matter, in Jesus name.

They are spiritual enemies living and sleeping with one. They are very stubborn, aggressive and dangerous. They are terrible enemies with killer motives to kill your joy, peace, health, brain, calling, virtue, marriage. Often times they do not need permission as they violate the right of their victims, molest their victims with sex in the dream. They are desperate and very wicked.

They can enter and start manifesting in one’s life through various means which includes:
1.   Immorality.
2.   Pornography.
3.   Spirit wife/husband can be inherited.
4.   Evil dedication of individual.
6.   Underwear manipulation.
7.   Through tattooing and incision.


  1. Regular sex in a dream.
  2. Deprives the married sex.

Spiritual husband and wife deprive the married sex – the demons do everything they can to deny married sex.

You have heard wives tell their husbands to pay for sex, bringing excuses to deprive sex, married sleeping in different beds, etc ….. Spiritual husband and wife are one of the major causes of separation and divorce.

Mt 19:5-6: ‘For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh? Therefore they are no more two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder’

God’s Will is for two to be one flesh but Satan comes in and separates a husband from his wife or a wife from her husband – makes them not one flesh

You cannot separate the head from the neck neither the neck from the head because the head cannot live without the neck neither can the neck live without the head for they are one flesh. If you separate them, they die.

A husband cannot be separated from the wife neither the wife from the husband.

Many people are in marriage but separated. How do you know you are in a marriage but separated?

How to know you are separated?

  1. If you do not live under the same roof with your husband or wife, you are separated.

God’s Will is for a man and his wife to live together – under the same roof

  1. If a husband and wife sleeps in different beds, they are separated

God’s Will is for a man and his wife to sleep on the same bed.

Marriage bed is one – not two or many. A husband and wife must sleep on the same bed.

  1. If you have no affection for your husband or wife, you are separated.

Affection includes love, romance, attraction, etc Hatred, unforgiveness, bitterness, slander, speaking against your husband/wife, lies, etc are signs of no affection – a separated husband and wife

  1. If you deny each other sex, you are separated.

It is God’s Will for a husband and wife not to deny each other unless they agree (1 Cor 7:5) but Satan’s will is to deprive a husband and wife sex.

These are some major examples that reveal a husband and wife are separated – that reveals Satan putting a marriage asunder.

It is Satan who separates a husband and wife because he hates marriages. His work is to destroy marriages. Through separation He destroys marriages.

  1. Steals affection and attraction for your husband or wife

To the married, there will be no affection and attraction for your husband or wife and the spiritual husband or wife will give you hatred for your spouse.

You have heard women who say they have no feelings towards their husband’s – they have a spiritual husband

Though the demon steals affection and attraction towards your husband/wife, it gives you affection and attraction for other men/women – it leads to sexual immorality.

To the unmarried, you have heard women say things like, ‘men are dogs’, ‘I cannot be married’, etc – that is a spiritual husband speaking. It is a strategy of a spiritual husband to make sure that no other man will marry her but giving her to many men.

Every woman who says such words like ‘men are dogs’ Has a spiritual marriage.

  1. Makes you hate your husband or wife, Boyfriend or Girlfriend for no reason. (Unnecessary Confusion)

Spiritual husband in a wife hates the husband reason women hate their husbands and husbands do not understand why their wives hate them and vise-versa.

To the unmarried, they are given hate of the opposite sex and especially to the person they are to get married to. This is why you find that at a certain times a person hates the person they are to get married to and other times loving them dearly – it is the spiritual husband or wife causing this.

Apart from hatred, spiritual husband or wife gives anger and unforgiveness – this is a sign of no love in a person.

  1. Sexual Immorality

Spiritual husband or wife leads you to sexual immorality. They take away the affection, attraction and love for your husband or wife and exchange it for other men or women.

Though these demons are having sex with you in dreams, they will lead you to have sex with other men and women but not with your husband or wife.

To the unmarried, it is the same – the spiritual husband or wife will lead you to sex with many men or women.

They may also give you pornography and masturbation.

Masturbation is sex with demons. Though there is the spirit of masturbation, there is masturbation due to spiritual husband and wife.

Spiritual husband or wife may give you homosexuality. Though there is a demon of homosexuality, there is homosexuality because of spiritual husband or wife. And so it is with prostitution which they give.

Many married men and women are in sexual immorality because of spiritual husbands or wives. Many unmarried men and women are in sexual immorality because of spiritual husband or wife.

Spiritual husband and wife are jealousy – though they will give you to many men and women for sexual immorality, they will deny you marriage and torment every person who comes to you for marriage or torment your husband or wife.

Spiritual husband lies to women that they are very beautiful for their husbands – they tell them that the husbands do not deserve them – it is the spiritual husband in control.

They give women pride and stubbornness, the can hardly respect, honor and submit to their husband – this pride and stubbornness destroys everything in their life even marriage and hell awaits them if not delivered.

Spiritual husband steals the wife from the husband and changes the image of a woman from the image God created to an image of a demon.

  1. Barrenness and Low Sperm Count

They cause barrenness, low sperm count, sexual weakness, etc.

They may cause barrenness by blocking the tubes, miscarriages, giving you demons like fibroids, cancer, etc – they defile the womb to make sure you cannot have a child and to men they give them low sperm count even zero sperm. Reason some women dream in dreams giving birth, having babies and suckling them but in reality they are barren. This is because they have given birth spiritually with spiritual husbands but barren.

Just know that when they are having sex with you in dreams, they are defiling you and stealing what is yours.

  1. Gives Diseases and sicknesses

Spiritual husband or wife comes with diseases and sicknesses, and may deform you – this is to chain you completely to themselves.

  1. Makes a woman a man and a man a woman

God created a woman to be a woman with her designed roles and character while a man to be a man with his designed roles and character but Satan exchanges this roles and character making a woman a man and a man a woman. How?

God created a woman as gentle, caring, respectful, submissive, homemaker, helper, give birth care and raise her children, etc.

But Satan exchanges this making a woman a fighter, disrespectful, quarrelsome, not their for her children, not a homemaker, not an helper but after Satanic visons and missions like career, jobs, employment, gender equality, feminism, etc – a woman stops being a woman

Women with spiritual husband value career, job, employment, money, riches and wealth more than their marriage (husband).

Feminists are women with spiritual husbands who Satan has turned to men though in women bodies.

In the house if married, the woman with the spiritual husband becomes the man and if the man is not careful, she will be turned to a woman.

Reason you find many husbands are the one always washing clothes, cooking, taking care of the children, cleaning the house, etc is because their wives though in woman’s body they are a men with spiritual husbands.

A husband may help his wife in house chores whenever he can but it is not his role to do them – it is the wife’s role.

Many men are suffering silently indoors. Pray for them brethren.

  1. Makes wives disrespect and not submit to their husbands

Because you have another husband spiritually, you will disrespect the one you have. Spiritual husband makes a woman see her husband as useless, disrespect and not submit to him.

Women with spiritual husbands are authoritative and controlling – they want to dictate to the man. They want the man to be like a wife or a child to them. These are not characteristics of a Godly woman.

They lie, slander, speak against, abuse, fight, like arguments and quarreling – for they lack respect for their husbands and men.

They disrespect their husband. They uncover marriages and their houses – they go around speaking of what happens in the house even in the marital bed and slandering their husbands and marriages.


To some people, spiritual spouse closes every financial door and opportunity in their lives in other to keep them in a lifetime bondage. The assignment is to make you poor, unemployed, rejected, helpless and hopeless.

This is the reason why some women are into prostitution for survival whiles others sleep around with men to pay their rent, bills, take care of themselves, kids, etc.

  1. Unstable and Unfaithful Christians.

The spirit prevent them from going to church. They visit different churches when they feel like going to church but they can’t be a member of a particular church. No.

They don’t have a particular church or Pastor in their live. Every man or woman of God is their pastor and they keep moving from one church to another and one pastor to another. This is the devil’s strategy to frustrate them and keep them in bondage.

  1. Troublesome Children

To some people, their spiritual spouse attacks their children. Get them addicted to immorality; sex, drugs, tattoo, smoking, pornography, stealing, prostitution, Stop them from going to school, or attack their schooling. No matter how they study or learn and no matter which school they go, they fail every exam. They can’t learn and even if they do, they will forget everything during their examination.

What is dangerous about spiritual marriage is that, the moment you started having spiritual children, your spiritual spouse will do everything to attack and destroy your physical children.  Their assignment is to make them useless, frustrated, dead or end up in jail.

  1. Inability to fast and Pray.

Spiritual spouse attacks your spiritual life by first attacking your fasting and prayer life. This is the reason why many people can’t pray nor fast.

These are just few signs of a Spiritual marriage


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