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Miraculous Financial Miracle

The Screenshot below is a testimony from a single mother of 3 who received a miraculous Financial Breakthrough through a Prophetic direction given by Prophet Vincent Grant during Facebook Live.

To God Be The Glory.


Good day Prophet Grant.
My name is (Name withheld)
I lost my Job due to Covid19 which made it very difficult for me to pay my rent as a single mother of 3 children. The house agent gave me a final notice of 2 weeks to move from the house because I wasn’t able to pay for 2 months rent. I came on Facebook last Sunday night and I saw you live talking about 177 days of miracle so I was led to sow the only money on my card which was $()

I cried and I told God I don’t need 177 days of miracles, I need my miracle within 7 days. Last Sunday which was exactly 7 day, I received an email notification confirming my rent payment.
When I checked, the payment was made by my baby father who moved out of the house 6 months ago to be with another woman without showing me and the children any form of support.

This is a miracle. I am here thanking God.
This is my Testimony. I tried calling on WhatsApp but no answer.


In your hopeless moments, may God visit you miraculously. #Amen





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