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Total Deliverance from Spiritual Marriage after 17 years of Bleeding, Pain, Midnight torment and Sleepless night.

This is a summary of a testimony from a woman whose daughter got delivered from Spiritual Marriage through the prophetic ministration of Prophet Vincent Grant.

She Wrote:  “My daughter and I came to his church that time at Family life Ministry in 2019 from Christiana in Manchester for the Lord’s intervention as she was tormented by a spiritual husband. She experienced spiritual husband torments from when she was 18 years old and thought it was normal until in September of 2018. The visits from the spiritual husband became frequent in that month, and she also bled after one of the encounters with the spiritual husband. From that time she began to suffer from womb and back pains. She would bleed at least twice a week and she would have severe pain when that happens. She soon realised that it was not when she kept bleeding week after week. she received prayer of deliverance from different men of God but that couldnt help and She began to consult different Obeah Men and women who told her that she has an evil spirit who was her husband, and that she is supposed to accept and agree to marry it. She refused because she didn’t understand why she must get married to a person that she doesn’t see or know. The Obeah man told her that she would suffer because she was refusing to marry that spirit. She then twisted her ankle that same week while she was walking and went to see a medical doctor who told her that her ankle bones were cracked, and that she needed to wear a cast on her leg for six weeks. The spiritual husband continued to torment her even being in that state. The pain continued and she had to use crutches after removing the cast. Doctors confirmed that her bones were healed, but she was still in pain and struggling to walk.

She went back to this obeah woman she had consulted before and she told her that she was suffering because she refused to accept and to marry the spiritual husband. She reiterated that she would continue to suffer if she does not get married to the spiritual husband.
……..She did not believe that she could ever be set free by God because she have been to different churches seeking help and has spent all her money paying for deliverance and consultaion. . After this she went to different false churches and sort for help there. She was surprised that they were all telling her the same thing that the obeah people had told her. .
my daughter and i in July 2019 and attended a a night of total deliverance with Prophet Vincent Grant, she heard a voice telling her to get up and leave the church before the service started. She responded to the voice and said that she would not leave as she had been suffering from the ankle pain for too long. She also added that she would only leave after the service. During the service, my daughter told me that she is feeling fire all over her body when Prophet Grant was preaching and she cant stay inside the church anymore…. She took her bag and told me she is going home…. as soon as she was about to come out of the church, the Prophet call her to come and when she got closer to the prophet, she fell down and started vomiting.
The Prophet prayed for her and gave her a direction to do when she get home. After the prayers the pain on her left ankle was gone. The spiritual husband no longer visits her and she is now free. Secondly, she used to see a big snake in her dreams every night. This used to traumatise her such that she would not to be able to sleep for a couple of days following that dream. from that night when the prophet prayed for her, she was totally delivered.
3 months later, she got a job after been unemployed for 7 years after completing University.
Glory to Jesus!”


Read her testimony in the comment session of this post  15 THINGS YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT PROPHET VINCENT GRANT – Mega Prophetic Ministry International


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Nikashae Scott



  1. Joseph Newman 4 years ago January 8, 2021

    Powerful Testimony.
    I will never doubt the Healing and the Deliverance Power of God.

  2. Paula Green 4 years ago January 8, 2021

    Thank you for Sharing this testimony. There are many people out there who are still going through the same thing and are suffering in the hands of one False Prophets to another in search of deliverance. May God help us. I have suffered the same attack for 7 years till a Prophet from Africa by name Prophet Oduro was invited to our church in Canada 2011. He Prophesied everything i was going through and blessed a water for me to drink and told me to wash myself with a botle water he gave me when i go home. That was how i got my total deliverance and i married the same year to my husband who is also a prophet.
    No matter what you are going through and no matter how long it takes, Never stop believing in God for your deliverance and never give up on God.

  3. Tina Papoe 4 years ago January 8, 2021

    In my family, nobody get married.
    I am 47 years and from my young age till now, i have not seen any member of my family geeting married. Not even an engagement.
    We are told by different Prophet that our family is initiated into a covenant spiritual marriage with a river in our hometown.
    We tried everything we could to break that covenat but nothing changes.
    How can the Prophet help my family? We need help. we are tired of moving from one place to another seeking help.

  4. Elorm Lanyo 4 years ago January 8, 2021

    God bless you Prophet Vincent Grant.
    We miss you in Ghana.
    Your daughter Elorn Lanyo

  5. Solomon 4 years ago January 8, 2021

    Hello Prophet Grant, I have sent my Prayer Request.
    My Wife is pregnat for over 1 year now and she cant give birth.
    a recent scan is showing that, there is no baby in her womb but her 8 month scan has shown a baby boy.
    we know this is a witchraft attack.
    We need your help

  6. Rasta Titi 4 years ago January 8, 2021


    • Stella Otoo 4 years ago January 8, 2021

      Hello Prophet,
      I am in a similar situation and I need help. Please pray for me and help me with a direction.

  7. Triciana 4 years ago January 8, 2021

    I am in tears reading this testimony.
    when will my deliverance come?
    When will God remember me?
    When will i be free from this spiritual attack and pain?
    Sometimes i wonder whether God still love me


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